Friday, 11 May 2007

First course booked

We have booked our first course in Birmingham for early July--Preparing for Change. A quick calculation tells us that there is no way we will complete all the courses by the time we leave for our holiday in August. So a leaving date in September looks unlikely. All those jags (shots) take quite a while as well. Daunting list of jags! My arm hurts already - ouch! The medical preparation is quite thorough.......GP for a thorough exam and a completed health form, the same with our dentist as well as a mammogram for me and a smear (pap test).

Our packet finally arrived today, minus a set of forms for me. Surprisingly there are quite a few countries which do not require a visa ahead of time. A visa is given upon arrival.

My UK citizenship test is Tuesday and I will make an appointment to submit my application as soon as I return with my passing score. As soon as that is submitted I need to post my US passport renewal to London.

Remember to breathe!

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