Thursday, 1 January 2009

Runyankole Language - Files Uploaded

I have finished the Runyankole web page with downloadable .pdf files and audio file. I will likely add to it later.


rash said...


I discovered your blog yesterday and have been reading it religiously. Beginning with "Should we go?", I just reached your new year's post. Experiencing Uganda is such a dream for me and your blog is the closest thing I've gotten to that so far!

Best of luck

Annie said...

Wow, you've been busy. I've got 110 posts so far - nearly 2 years worth of them now.

Is it possible for you to volunteer with as well? Lots of agencies need volunteers?

I will say that I don't regret doing this at all. A bit of a rough start for one as spoiled as myself, but will never forget this experience.

leigh said...

It is MAJORLY freezing here.

Big style.

But reading your blog is like a bit of sunshine.

Wishing you both the best in the new year and safe journey to you and yours who are coming in 2009.

Annie said...

Thanks, Leigh. Freezing our butts off in Michigan but so nice to see all the family. Heading to Toronto tomorrow then back to Uganda and perfect weather.

Hope your new year is fantastic! See you in about 9 months!

rash said...

I'm currently looking into local churches- a surprising number from my modest city do work in the third-world.

How did you and Danny find the right volunteer organization for you?

Annie said...

Rashad, don't know which country you live in, but just as many Americans think of the Peace Corps when they think of volunteering, the British think of VSO. We didn't even consider other agencies. There are many, many volunteer organizations though.

Good luck and let me know if you are able to volunteer.


Unknown said...

I stumbled across your blog as I was looking for any information on learning the Runyankole language... Do you still have these files? Your link seems to not be working anymore...

Annie said...

Auntie, if you post your email I can email you the attachments. -annie