This 1,000 shilling note will buy you:
-5 avocados or
-a soda or
-a large pineapple or
-4 eggs or
-1 kg of tomatoes or
-4 text messages Uganda to UK
value is 52 US cents/34 UK pence
30,000 shillings will buy you:
-a steak, chips and veg meal for two as well as a bottle of beer each or
-3 bags of Muesli cereal or
-7 tins of John West (UK) tuna or
-a nice tshirt or
-4 500g cans of Quaker Oats porridge
value is $15.00/£9.00
I like your blog friend...
its so beautiful...!
Hi Annie
I was reading your blog and found it really interesting. I particularly liked your post about what you're money can buy you in Uganda.
VSO has just launched it’s own online community where you can chat to other VSO volunteers and supporters. If you haven’t already you can register at:
I thought other volunteers would be interested in reading your blog and you might like to post a link to it in the blogs discussion area of the VSO online community:
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