Wednesday 2 January 2008

Crisis in Kenya causes shortages in Uganda

The rioting in Kenya over a fraudulent election outcome has resulted in many deaths. It has also affected Uganda and other landlocked countries since petrol and other goods are imported
from or through Kenya.

Petrol in our area of Uganda has doubled and even tripled in some areas. Danny and I left our holiday accommodation this morning and noticed price changes at garages going from appoximately 2,600sh to 6,000 and 8,000sh. The roads were nearly devoid of traffic. No one can afford to pay that amount and the taxis, matatus (minibus taxis) and bodas (motorbike taxis) have tripled their fares. We saw few of them on the road.

We are safe where we are as all the rioting is in Kenya near the border with Eastern Uganda -- we are in the SW. If this continues the cost of transporting goods will dramatically increase and affect the price of all goods.

A couple of notes....
Anyone can sign up to get my blog updates via email. See the box in the sidebar and simply add your email address. Confirm it by replying to the email you will be sent.

I will be adding my accommodation review with the requested 'candid guest photos' to Tripadvisor during the next week or so. I will post the link to the blog.


Unknown said...

Hi Annie :)

Great pix.. loved just rummaging through them! And Happy New Year to you! I hope this one sees you safe and happily engaged all year!

FYI, oil hit over $100 a barrel (US) today (has been in the 80-90 range) so I expect we all will feel the impact of that in one way or another.

I do hope you're safe and will continue to be! It's so strange to think of being anywhere near a war; I know you're at the other end of the country, so I hope it doesn't spill over!

It's definitely winter here in MN (was -4F this morning!) so I hope you have sunshine and warm weather to enjoy instead!


Annie said...

Thanks Lynn. Hope things settle down soon in Kenya.

I think the coldest it ever gets in any part of Uganda may be the upper 40's F at night in the highest elevations during the rainy season.

I've been hearing about the cold snap and tons of snow in the US, including where my family is in SE Michigan. Right now at 11 a.m. it's probably about 75. Won't go much above 80.

Happy new year.