(Actually the sheep is an old pal - he graced the dashboard of my wee car in Scotland for about 6 years. The boat is one that I purchased here in Uganda.)
New furniture: yea, I know the design and colour aren't very appealing, but comfort comes first here! Still awaiting the bookcase which is being custom-built for us. It will go where the TV is now.
LOL on the sheep Annie! What a fun sense of humor you have. :)
AHA! Couldn't resist. On our holiday to Lake Bunyonyi we saw were out canoeing and a man paddling a goat in a canoe on the way to the market to sell it.
Always was a fan of Far Side comics!
I like it!
Looks VERY comfy and nice and cool.
Oh, yes, big gales here today and the road is flooding in spots - whole country's getting socked with it.
Roll on, Spring!
Stumbled upon your blog today - delightful. So glad you are sharing your experience. I'll be back.
the furniture doesn't look too bad, looks like the type of furniture where you can relax, get comfortable and prop your feet up! I love the giraffe print.
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