The election is over and I am elated, thrilled, hopeful and optimistic! Today I am a very proud American. This joyous occasion was sweetened by phone calls from my son in Michigan followed by one from my dear (American) friend in Scotland.
President Barack Obama...............YES!!

Hi Annie,
I share your elation and optimism !!! We had near 100% turnout at our local polls. Even Dave is excited!!
Oh Annie .. the excitement, relief and sheer joy over here is almost tangible! The nightmare of the last 8 years is almost over, and the new Prez is starting out wonderfully! I can't wait for January 20th! This .. is fantastic! I'm so grateful for YouTube; I can re-listen to that wonderful acceptance speech and watch the crowd celebrate all over again. It's heartwarming, every day :)
Lynn, who is grinning a lot these days!
Annie, what is the response of the Ugandans around you? And the other expats?
Erin, Ugandans are just thrilled as is most of Africa. I think Kenya and other countries are under the impression that Obama will 'save' their country from poverty, etc. The media in Uganda doesn't say much about his policies, but if they knew he was pro-choice and pro-gay marriage they would be horrified. Homosexual acts in Uganda can be punishable by life imprisonment.
I only know 2 Americans in Uganda, the rest are Europeans. The Europeans didn't like Bush so of course preferred Obama as did most of the world. Of the 2 Americans I know, one is Peace Corps and she voted for Obama. The other I'm only slight acquainted with and her husband teaches at a bible college. I'm sure she voted for McCain.
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