Sunday 8 June 2008

You are fat. Gee, thanks!

From what I have observed, most Ugandans believe that being plump or fat is attractive and a sign of prosperity. Being told one is fat is intended as a compliment, and most certainly not as an insult.

Last week it was mentioned to me that I had become fatter during my visit to America. Hmmm... As my background is American and British culture, I find it difficult to take this as a compliment.....very difficult. Of course, I cannot reveal that this is something I would rather not hear.

Other volunteers have had similar experiences. Recently one shared her experience of being complimented on getting fatter during the last couple of months, and that she'll continue to get bigger.
In a study of British and Ugandan students' evaluation of body-shapes, the Ugandans rated an 'obese' female figure much more attractive than the British ......
Doctors and government officials in Uganda are becoming increasingly concerned at the country’s growing incidence of diabetes, which they attribute to changes in lifestyle and rising obesity. The number of people with diabetes is now thought to have passed a million, in a population of 28 million.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this means I'm drop dead gorgeous in